Currently Available Seeds

The following seeds were collected locally at the end of 2024. Seeds that require cold stratification are currently in cold-conditions.

Kentucky Coffee Tree Seeds

Quantity Weight Price
10 seeds $10 + S/H
Large, incredibly hard seeds from a waxy pod.

The Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) is a relatively rare and evolutionarily anachronistic tree.

The tough, waxy seedpods and rock-hard seeds are hypothesized to have been dispersed and helped towards germination by now extinct North American megafauna1 - think car-sized armadillos!

Compound leaves 1-3 feet long.

Buttonbush Nutlets

Quantity Weight Price
80-100 seeds $14 + S/H
Single-spike nutlets.

The Buttonbush shrub (Cephalanthus occidentalis) exhibits a beautiful spherical flower, with a halo of protruding stigmas.

Native to central and eastern North America, this bush is a magnet for moths, hummingbirds and bees.

Toxic to livestock due to the presence of cephalanthin.

Green Hawthorn Berries

Quantity Weight Price
20-30 berries $6 + S/H
Slightly puckereed, pea-sized berries..

The Green Hawthorn Tree (Crataegus viridis) is native to the southeastern US & eastern seaboard.

Bright red berries make fantastic winter forage for birds, delicate white flowers. Multiple orange-slice shaped seeds within sweet orange pulp. Seeds inedible.

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Zaya, D.N., Howe, H.F. 2000. Rosa multiflora. In: The anomalous Kentucky coffeetree: megafaunal fruit sinking to extinction?. Oecologia 161
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Made in 2025 by Red Eft Ranch